Thursday, June 21, 2007

Mr.Flahavan From Selective Service

On June 15, 2007, we guest a guest speaker and his name was Mr.Flahavan, that is a representative from the Selective Service. He came to talk with us about the Selective Service. Mr.Flahavan told us that the Selective Service is mandatory military service that supplies manpower to the Armed Forces in an emergency and maintain an alternative service for men that are conscientious objectors. It is the law for all men that are 18 through 25 years of age to register with Selective Service before their 26th birthday, or they will be prosecuted. He also said that all women are excluded from registration and combat. You can register for Selective Service on-line, at the post office, check box, or at your high school. Once a man gets qualified for the draft, he could make a claim for classification as a CO, which is a conscientious objector that is opposed to participate in war because of moral or religious beliefs. There are two different types of service that are available for a CO, and it's determined by their specific beliefs. The first type is the alternative service and that is the men that are opposed to serve in any form of the military, and the second type is the men whose beliefs allow them to serve in the military but won't let them participate in training or any other duties that involve weapons. To get more information on the Selective Service, you can go to
-Janae Smith

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